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May Day Lettre Sauvage Open Studios & Poetry Chapbook Deadline

April 27, 2010

I love art studios. And one of my favorites is Lettre Sauvage where I made my business cards and stationary in October 2008. So you know I’m going to show up at the Lettre Sauvage Open Studio Party this Saturday May 1, 2010 from 6-9pm at 1310 Forest Dr, Santa Paula. Music, wine, film, food, and friends with lots of kids running around and a creek to walk along at sunset sounds like my kinda way to celebrate May day!

I know I’ll be inspired there to get my next business cards made and do other art projects. I love looking at all the beautiful broadsides, chapbooks, and invitations they make like.  I may even pick up a copy of the winning poetry from their last contest or a copy of their poetry journal, Forest Drive.

By the way, this year’s poetry contest deadline has been extended to the night of the party so bring your entry or get it in the mail ASAP!

Here’s more info on The Second Lettre Sauvage Poetry Contest, judged by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Stephen Dunn.

First Prize: 100 chapbooks, letterpress printed on fine paper.

Second Prize: 75 broadsides, printed from a poem or excerpt selected by the judge,
letterpress printed on fine paper.

Entries may include one collection of poems or a single longer poem.
Limit 10-13 pages.

$10 entry fee. For submissions or inquiries please email or visit

Prizes will be announced July 14, 2010.

Saturday, May 1, 2010
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Lettre Sauvage
1310 Forest Dr.
Santa Paula, CA
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